Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lilla Rogers' MATS Class Part B: WEEK 3

Week 3 in Make Art That Sells was a market I know a little about: scrapbooking! Why do I know about it? Well, I've never done art for one, but one creative team at C.R. Gibson does A LOT of them, so I'm constantly seeing them around the office (I wandered into our product room and saw bookcases of them- birthday scrapbooks, first-day-of-school scrapbooks, vacation scrapbooks... needless to say there are many, MANY scrapbooks out there that need art.)

Our inspiration was to draw vintage cameras and typewriters, which instantly made me think of how very hipster the idea was once I started sketching.

BOOM. My concept was born, and I simply ran with it.

In the end, it's been...a little awkward in MATS. I feel like I am more comfortable with exploring my own unique solutions to the assignments this semester...but I feel very isolated at the same time. I am one of the more "misfit" artists of the group, and as a teacher myself, I can understand why Lilla can't really pick art like the above example- it doesn't go far in illustrating a point to 300+ individuals because it's SO specific. In the end, I'm proud of myself, but I'm also reminded of how different my art is every week...and sometimes "different" is good. Unique! But sometimes "different" also can mean "unmarketable" in the worst case scenario. My style has been great for editorial and galleries, but this is a fine line I walk in licensing. As I work towards Surtex, it will be interesting to see what I develop- my style could lead to wild success, or a complete belly flop...(bum bum BUUUUUUUM). Stay tuned...

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