Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beauty Counter for Providence Monthly

Beauty Counter, originally uploaded by lauren minco.

Yikes, I haven't been around much! Thanks to AD Allison Cole for another whack at illustrating for Providence Monthly (it's so nice to see my artwork locally since it's sometimes published far far away from my stomping grounds). This time around it was for an article about shopping at department store cosmetic counters. I'm pretty happy with the with it turned out because:

a) I wanted to try a horizontal composition in a pulled out "scene" with an environment- this was a perfect opportunity.

b) Wanted to try this bluish palette!

c) I have done a lot of different markets so far, but beauty & fashion is something newish that I would like to try with my fun characters. My portfolio needed a piece like this if I ever want to get hired for those jobs in the future. Mexican wrestlers and beheaded girls don't scream COSMO, ya' know.

FYI, May 2nd is not only my birthday (the big 25 that brings in the Quarter Life Crisis I've been told-all the rage), but also the Spring RISD Alumni Sale. I'll be there ALL DAY for once, a rare sight since I'm usually teaching. If you're in Providence that day please swing by Benefit Street!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Das Wanderlust for Plan B magazine

My latest illustration was another for the UK's Plan B Magazine about the band Das Wanderlust. The article was going to focus on them "fighting the good fight" and remaining strong while being a small indie band in a scary corporate world. I concentrated on this phrase for two of the sketches, one that led to the final. As for the last one (a sort of deity or patron saint of indie bands), both the Art Director and I thought it was really cool but figured it was less appropriate for the article. Maybe next time!





Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Notebooks!

For drawings, grocery lists, and history notes, I now have my new notebooks in the store! They have a 100 blank pages and measure 5.5'' wide x 8.5'' tall. Best of all, they're only $10.



 Today is BEAUTIFUL, and I'm planning to take a walk around the neighborhood before I have to chain myself to my desk and work on an illustration for Plan B magazine. I will post those sketches and the final soon.