Sunday, February 26, 2012

art THROB Magazine

A while back I was featured in Salem's Art Throb Magazine again thanks to the awesome Lilly mcCrea, this time a part of my The Giant Fox painting being used to convey the comfiness of home. If you are a local artist near Salem, feel free to contribute to the publication! Another illustration can be seen in the recent ASK magazine again- that image will be posted soon when I get my copy. Big thanks to Pamela Bonesteel for that one.

In other news, things at CR Gibson are going swimmingly. Nashville is starting to slowly get into springish weather, and I'm starting to see my first creations come back from vendors (or as I like to call them, "my children"). My co-workers continue to be great, and the newest of us (one from Alabama, the other two from New York City) are having a good time discovering more of Music City every day.

I'm lame and haven't been posting in regular fashion, but I hope to pick up my blogging pace. Bare with me.