Monday, March 28, 2011

Brushing Beauty

I'm really digging this newer painting, which is another adventure into constructing my images through abstracted space, pattern and color rather than thinking of my environments traditionally. People must like it, because I had 28 promotions in one day after it was posted on society6 (I think the highest I've ever gotten so quickly is 12, to put it in context). What is NOT posted is the first version, which was just wrong, wrong, WRONG. The figure, the colors...even the size was just plain wrong. It's bizarre how one day you can try to create something and inspiration doesn't strike, only to have a completely different creative energy the next day. In the end...I win! Take that, painting.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

See "Tea Party" at Hive Gallery!

People in the LA area can see my painting at Hive Gallery's Second Annual "Alice in Wonderland Show!" I was so happy to work with Nathan and Romina again and am looking forward to future collaborations. Check out the link above for more details and directions.

"Tea Party" was fun to make. After the past couple of years, I'm starting to realize that I handle my illustrations more from a design point of view. I am especially happy with how the graphic elements combine with the more spacial elements (such as the receding table) and start to create a harmonious marriage between flatness and dimensional space.