Alright! So the 1st one was a commission for a wedding portrait I did based off of the original "Happy Couple" on my website (I like to say this one is the remix). The second one is for the a show I have 8/8/88. They were going with an eight ball theme, so all the pieces had to be on 8" circles. I've never used my acryla gouache on canvas before (especially so tiny! Oye!) but I'm pleased with the way it came out.
Monday I start teaching again for RISD Pre-college and am really excited about that. I also have 3 painting that I need to finish (oh wait, make that four) hopefully by next Friday. Yikes.
Oh yes, and my trip was good. I won a kazoo as an award for "Relative Who Traveled the Most Distance" and was able to see a lot of California that I haven't seen before. Sometimes I wish Rhode Island had such glorious beaches!