Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My favorite piece I painted for the RISD sale!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Cocoa Season

I'm so happy I can show something new! Lately I have had several projects finished, but I can't show anything because they haven't been published by the clients, etc. So while I'm waiting for those illustrations to come out to the world, I will treat you to this piece. It is based on an Inuit Creation Story about Sedna, a giantess who grows so large and hungry that her parents are forced to throw her into the sea. According to the myth, she now provides the people with food during the fishing season.

The future projects I hope to post soon include an illo for UK's Oh, Comely Magazine, a piece for a solar energy convention, and a spot illustration for Utne Reader.

On another note, I will be present at the RISD Alumni Art Sale this Saturday, October 9th. It's held in Providence along Benefit Street. If you are in the area please stop by!